It's hard to believe but 2014 is over and it's the start of a new year! 2014 was full of ups and downs for me and my family. My youngest celebrated her first birthday, as did my niece. We had a fun summer full of trips to museums and amusement parks. Plus, we took a week-long trip to Disney World in the fall. We also had health scares with my Dad being hospitalized a couple times and surgeries for both him and my mother-in-law.
And so, I'm looking forward to starting anew. I don't usually make resolutions but I have a few that I want to try and achieve this year:
1. I want to be more present with my family. - My kids think of me as always being on my phone or on the computer. Even when I'm supposed to be spending time with them, I'm not really spending time with them. I need to pay 100% attention to them. Time goes so fast. Already my oldest is 10. Soon, she'll be a teenager and may not want to spend time with me. I need to be with her now.
2. I need to get in shape. - Yes, this is something a lot of people say they want to do. But, it's true. I don't really exercise at all. The most walking I do most days is to the school and back to pick up the kids. I need to be more active. I used to take walks with my kids when I only had one of two. Now, that I have four, I just don't really do anything anymore. I need to strive to achieve some sort of physical activity at least three times a week. What kind of activities do you do? Give me some ideas!
3. I want to redo this blog. - This started out as just a place to post reviews. I'd love for it to be more than that. I'm hoping to do a whole redesign and name change this month. I'm still brainstorming on ideas, but check back soon!
I don't want to do too many resolutions. I feel if you make too many, you may not end up achieving any. So, I'll start with these three.
Have you made any resolutions? I'd love to hear what you're hoping to achieve this year! Maybe we can help each other reach our goals!
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