Bestway New Year's Hot Tub Party - REVIEW - #Bestway #BestwayUSA #SaluSpa #InflatableHotTub #InflatableSpa #Tryazon

Saturday, January 6, 2024


DISCLOSURE: I received a free product from Bestway and Tryazon in exchange for hosting a party and sharing my honest review. No further compensation was provided. All opinions are my own.

We visit the beach every summer and usually the house we rent has a hot tub. My family enjoys spending time in them. But, that's usually the only time we get to use one. So, we were super excited to be chosen to receive a free inflatable hot tub. I had actually thought about buying one of these when everything was shut down during COVID, but we never got around to doing it. We were sent the Coleman SaluSpa Bahamas AirJet Inflatable Hot Tub.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, January 4, 2024

 By December, I was so looking forward to the New Year. Really, I just wanted to skip Christmas and New Year's and just move on to 2024. And now it's here!

I was so over 2023. It had its highlights and I'm thankful for what I accomplished.

I start out each year with usually the same goals. Last year I wanted to continue my fitness journey, make more time for my hobbies, be more social and travel more. I think other than the traveling more, I did pretty good on the other goals. I completed several fitness challenges. I am still about the same weight I was when I started the year, but maybe a little stronger. I hung out with more people last year and spent more time with people I care about. And I crocheted more. Here's a Instagram Reel with some of my favorites:

And so now, what am I hoping to accomplish in 2024?