It takes me forever to get ready in the morning. The majority of the time is spent doing my hair. I wash it pretty much every morning. But, I can't just wash and go. With my thick hair and slight wave, I have to blow dry it straight and then go over it at the end with a flat iron. If I'm planning to go anywhere in the morning, I know that I have to get up at least 2 hours before I need to leave to make sure I have enough time to get ready. Not cool when I end up having to get up at 4:30 in the morning!
I had read about dry shampoos a few years ago and it sounded like it would be the answer to my prayers! Something I could spray in my hair that gets rid of the oiliness and gross feeling my hair gets the second day. I started out with a couple drugstore brands, but they didn't give me the results I wanted. Then, I tried a couple salon brands, but also wasn't happy with the results. So, when I received the Not Your Mother's Clean Freak Refreshing Dry Shampoo, I got excited. Yay, something else to try! And I wouldn't have to feel bad shelling out money if it didn't work...

- Absorbs excess oils
- Cleans without water
- Has a light matte finish
Here's my before shot:
And here's my after shot:
You might not be able to tell from the pictures, but Clean Freak did leave my hair feeling less oily and cleaner. The dry shampoo also left my hair smelling fresh and clean. I was comfortable enough to go out without washing my hair. But, sadly, the results didn't last all day. By the afternoon, I felt like my hair could use more refreshing or a good washing!
Overall, I liked the product. I would use it more for occasions where I was going out for the evening and needed to give my hair a little refreshing. Maybe on a date night or a night out with friends after work.
Would you recommend it?
Yes! I liked it better than other brands of dry shampoo that I've tried. It didn't leave my hair feeling more oily and there was no residue. It left my hair feeling clean and smelling nice.
How much does it cost?
The 7 oz bottle retails for $5.99. The 1.6 oz travel size bottle retails for $2.99.
Where can I find it?
It's available in drug stores, mass merchandisers and select grocery stores. To find a retailer near you, use the Store Locator on Not Your Mother's Hair Care website.
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